How (And What) Technology Can Help Combat Cyber Attacks

Technology can transform nearly any process to be more efficient and streamlined. However, innovation sometimes comes at a cost. By utilizing technology like cloud-based storage and the Internet of Things, corporations risk threats to cybersecurity.

In fact, cyber attacks are growing just as rapidly as technological innovation. Data from the 

2022 Cybersecurity Almanac  published by Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that cyber crime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. The good news is we have the capability to repurpose

the application of technology to prevent cyber crime, thereby reducing risks and minimizing threats.

Building a Blockchain

If you’ve been keeping up with the cryptocurrency news, then you’ve likely heard a bit about blockchain. This is the technology ensuring the validity of Bitcoin, Ripple and other digital currencies. More specifically, blockchain is an online ledger that accounts for every piece of data in a program. In the case of cryptocurrency, this data is in the form of coins and transactions.

However, blockchain has far greater benefits than just tracking Bitcoin. In fact, this form of cyber technology can help corporations fight against online-attacks. When blockchain is created, it cannot be changed, altered or deleted over time. It’s set in cyber stone. Blockchain is created through a series of sequential hashing coupled with cryptography, the same method used to develop encrypted languages among government intelligence agencies.

How does cyber technology become cyber protection against hackers and malicious entities? Organizations can use blockchain to handle secure information. As explored by Forbes, blockchain enables corporations to become more resilient by utilizing proof of work validation methods. Several companies have already jumped on the blockchain bandwagon including Microsoft, IBM, JPMorgan Chase, Walmart and UPS.

Advanced Communications

When a corporation or community is under attack by a cyber threat, timing is of the utmost essence. The quicker you can organize your emergency management team, the better. The sooner you can transmit pertinent information to everyone in your network, the more likely you are to reduce the risk of the attack.

While the internet, mobile devices and social media are the modes of communication for cyber hackers, they also give those under attack a means of communication. By taking advantage of all forms of communications technology, your organization can minimize threat and set a correction course more efficiently.

Text messages, emails, social media statuses and phone calls are just the beginning. Consider uploading a quick video message on YouTube, one of today’s most popular methods of mass media. Utilize a multitude of social media apps, such as Snapchat, where you can share information with a wider segment of the population. Cyber technology allows you to go wherever your audience is, which is exactly what you want to do when faced with a cyber attack.

Progressive Tools for Threat Identification

Another area where technology is rapidly advancing for cyber security is in the form of advanced detection and protection tools. There are several types of technologies you want to consider for your corporation as part of a comprehensive plan against cyber threats. These include defensive deception techniques to identify attacks early on and transfer critical data before it’s accessed or damaged. The use of decoys, as well as web application firewalls, IPS and web-based deception solutions helps companies protect their data from attacks.

Choosing Cyber Attack Notifications

Here at OnSolve, our cloud-based communications tools play an essential role in supporting the application of technology to prevent cyber attacks. IT departments utilize OnSolve to send automated alerts to employees, create escalation paths and use schedules to contact the right IT personnel, at the right time, so they can fix problems before they cause downtime or delays. Visit our IT Alerting page to learn more about how you can recover faster and mitigate risk more effectively.


OnSolve® proactively mitigates physical threats, allowing organizations to remain agile when a crisis strikes. Using trusted expertise and reliable AI-powered risk intelligence, critical communications and incident management technology, the OnSolve Platform allows organizations to detect, anticipate and mitigate physical threats that impact their people and operations.