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Getting the Message Out Internally: A Question and Answer Session with Kathy Carl
The single most effective tool you and I have to keep our teams safe is information that’s accurate and current.
It’s also imperative to communicate that information in the most effective, most pervasive ways available: that we get those messages out as often as possible, to everyone.
That’s what OnSolve does. In fact, we communicate with our teams about once every other day.
Download the article to learn:
- Best practices for internal communication
- Multi-channel opportunities for outreach
- Creative and engaging ways to connect with employees
- How to evaluate your success
The single focus on these two-way communications with our team is Safety. Safety for our people, and safety for the people they love and care for. We talk about the importance of multi-channel internal communications in more detail in our article, Getting the Message Out Internally: A Question and Answer Session with Kathy Carl.
Download the article today!